The Student Activity Unit of Social Development and Local Improvement (UKM BSPD USK) has conducted an outreach program. This outreach also involves the formation of a Tourist Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) aimed at developing the tourism potential of Naga Umbang Village, Lhoknga District, Aceh Besar Regency. The team, consisting of 15 members from various faculties and programs within USK, is guided by Dr. drh Faisal Jamin MSi as the supervising lecturer for the Student Organization Capacity Building Program (PPK Ormawa) Team at UKM BSPD USK.

The team carried out the PPK Ormawa program titled “Enhancing the Economy of Naga Umbang Village Through a Tourism Village Program with Human Resource Development and Local Natural Resource Potential Methods” on Thursday (August 1, 2024). According to Melia Saumi, the Head of the PPK Ormawa BSPD USK Team, the outreach aimed to enhance the understanding of the implementing team and the village authorities on managing a tourism village. This is expected to yield the best results. “With this outreach, we hope that a Tourist Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) will be formed in Naga Umbang Village, which will later manage the Naga Umbang Tourism Village directly under the village administration,” said Melia Saumi.

Munawar Khalil, the speaker for the outreach, stated that a tourist village is not only viewed from its scenic beauty but also from the intriguing and inherent customs and culture of the village. “Life is inseparable from tourism, from the time we sleep until we sleep again,” concluded Munawar Khalil.

The head of Naga Umbang Village, Anwar Ibrahim, expressed his openness and enthusiasm for the program initiated by the PPK Ormawa UKM BSPD USK team regarding the potential development of a tourism village in his area. “In the future, we, the village administration of Naga Umbang, hope that activities like this will advance Naga Umbang Village further, making it well-known and allowing tourists from outside to visit comfortably,” said the head of Naga Umbang Village.