A total of 35 students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, divided into five groups, conducted entrepreneurship practice at Blang Padang Field, Banda Aceh.

An entrepreneurship internship or practicum is a hands-on business experience designed to provide individuals with a practical understanding of the aspects of entrepreneurship and business operations. Its main goal is to give participants direct insights and skills to understand how a business operates and confronts real-world challenges.

In this entrepreneurship practice activity, the students sold several products, including mung bean ice pops, mango, vanilla, chocolate, melon lemonade, and fresh fruit slices.

The students, particularly from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine USK, gained business knowledge through the Entrepreneurship course. In this class, in addition to theory, students are also required to implement the entrepreneurship knowledge they learned. For this fieldwork task, Prof. Dr. Drh. M. Hanafiah, MP, one of the instructors of the Entrepreneurship course, asked the students to engage in direct sales, depending on the type of business agreed upon by the team. This activity is expected to provide learning experiences on becoming an entrepreneur. This initiative is based on a group assignment in the Entrepreneurship class, where the task is completed collaboratively.

One of the students, Sheila Fadilah, who participated in the field sales, mentioned that the purpose of the business they ran was to achieve business goals, namely profit, but not merely profit. They also focused on gaining experience in the entrepreneurial process. Through this marketing sales activity, they were required to interact with many people, learning how to offer products politely, convincing customers to buy the products offered, and providing the best service to ensure customer satisfaction.

Drh. Teuku Reza Ferasyi, M.Sc., PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, through Dr. Drh. Erwin, M.Sc., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, welcomed this student activity positively. He advised that this activity should serve as a significant motivation to strengthen the entrepreneurial planning character of students, particularly the character of perseverance so that when they graduate or become veterinarians, they do not complain when performing their duties in the field, he added.