Reproduction laboratory Profile

The Reproduction Laboratory at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Syiah Kuala University (USK), is one of the laboratories that supports the process of education, research, and community service, especially in the field of animal reproduction and health science.

The Reproduction Laboratory at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Syiah Kuala University, has a strategic role in supporting the development of animal reproduction science and technology. Learning provided for bachelor veterinary medicine includes Reproductive Physiology, Reproductive Technology, Veterinary Obstetrics, Reproductive Disorders, Wildlife Reproduction, and Veterinary Reproductive Management. As for the D-III of animal health program, it includes Obstetrics and Gynecology, as well as Animal Reproduction and Reproductive Technology.

The Reproductive Laboratory provides services for livestock such as processing and examining animal semen, pregnancy examinations, artificial insemination and examinations using ultrasound.

Lecturer Profile


Prof. Dr. drh. Tongku N. Siregar, M.P.

Head of Reproduction Laboratory

Dr. drh. Cut Nila Thasmi, M.Si

Lecturer of Reproduction Laboratory

drh. Ginta Riady,

Lecturer of Reproduction Laboratory

Dr. drh. Juli Melia, M.Si

Lecturer of Reproduction Laboratory

Dr. drh. Hafizuddin, M.Si

Lecturer of Reproduction Laboratory

drh. Nabilah Putroe Agung, M.Sc

Lecturer of Reproduction Laboratory

Laboratory Assistant Profile 


Dr. drh. Husnurrizal, M.Si

Laboratory Assistant of Reproduction Laboratory



Prof. Dr. drh. Tongku Nizwan Siregar, M.P.

Dr. drh. Cut Nila Thasmi, M.S.

drh. Ginta Riady, M.Sc

Dr. drh. Juli Melia, M.Si

Dr. drh. Hafizuddin, M.Si

drh. Nabilah Putroe Agung, M.Sc

Dr. drh. Husnurrizal, M.Si


courses in the bachelor veterinary medicine and d-iii of animal health in the reproduction laboratory

Bachelor Veterinary Medicine

Reproductive Physiology

Course name : Reproductive Physiology

Course code : SSKH2029

Credits : 3 credits (2-1)

Semester : 3

Category : Compulsory

Prerequisites : Veterinary Physiology I

Discusses general animal development, the discussion includes the anatomy and function of reproductive organs in male and female animals, reproductive hormones, estrus cycle, ovulation, semen physiology, fertilization, implantation, pregnancy, birth, and lactation.

Reproductive Technology

Course name : Reproductive Technology

Course code : SSKH2034

Credits : 2 credits (1-1)

Semester : 4

Category : Compulsory

Prerequisites : Reproductive Physiology

Discusses various technologies that are currently developing in the field of reproduction in an effort to increase reproductive efficiency and livestock sustainability.

Veterinary Obstetrics

Course name : Veterinary Obstetrics

Course code : SSKH3067

Credits : 2 credits (1-1)

Semester : 5

Category : Compulsory

Prerequisites : Reproductive Physiology

Discusses the differences in obstetric anatomy during pregnancy and non-pregnancy, Embryo development and placentation processes, Normal and abnormal fetal location and position, Hormones involved during pregnancy, Pregnancy diagnosis, Mechanism and initiation of labor, Dystocia causes and treatment, Postpartum physiology and handling of newborns.

Reproductive Disorders

Course Name : Reproductive Disorders

Course Code : SSKH3067

Credits : 3 credits (2-1)

Semester : 6

Category : Compulsory

Prerequisites : Reproductive Physiology

Discusses the diagnosis and therapy/handling techniques for several cases of livestock reproductive disorders and their losses, including disorders in the cycle phase, disorders during the gestation period, disorders in the birth/postpartum phase, and sterility in male animals. To refresh the memories of 65 students, before the disorders in each phase are given, an understanding of the physiology of these phases will first be given as an introduction.

Wildlife Reproduction

Course Name : Wildlife Reproduction

Course Code : SSKH6080

Credits : 2 Credits

Semester : 6

Category : Elective

Prerequisites : –

Discusses the anatomy and physiology of the genitals in wildlife, especially those protected in Indonesia, the ovulation cycle, pregnancy period and pregnancy diagnosis techniques in wildlife, parturition and its handling, introduction to various assisted technology applications in wildlife, and discusses several types of disorders and diseases related to reproduction that are often experienced by wildlife in Indonesia and their management. The provision of material includes protected animals in Indonesia: 1. Mammals (elephants, rhinos, orangutans/primates), 2. Carnivores (tigers, leopards, red cats), 3. Poultry (starlings, birds of paradise, peacocks, eagles), 4. Reptiles (komodo dragons, long-necked turtles), 5. Aquatic animals (arwana fish, dugongs), also discussing several other wildlife. 

Veterinary Reproductive Management

Course Name : Veterinary Reproductive Management

Course Code : SSKH6090

Credits : 2 Credits

Semester : 8

Category : Elective

Prerequisites : –

Discusses Prepubertal and Postpubertal Management in bulls/cows, Management of estrus phase in cows. Cow mating management, Cow pregnancy management, Cow parturition management, Cow postpartum management, Poultry reproductive management, Goat reproductive management, Horse reproductive management, Buffalo reproductive management, Sheep reproductive management, Pet reproductive management. 

D-III of Animal Health

Animal Reproduction and Reproductive Technology

Course name : Animal Reproduction and Reproductive Technology

Course code : DKV 205

Credits : 3 credits (2-1)

Semester : 3

Category : Compulsory

Prerequisites : –

After completing this course, students are able to explain the physiology of the animal reproductive system, reproductive cycle, puberty, ovarian cycle, gametogenesis, fertilization, pregnancy and childbirth as well as reproductive behavior and carry out procedures for collecting, evaluating and utilizing semen as well as artificial insemination techniques.

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Course name : Obstetrics and Gynecology

Course code : DKV 210

Credits : 3 credits (2-1)

Semester : 4

Category : Compulsory

Prerequisites : –

After completing this course, students are able to explain pregnancy maintenance, birth management, perinatal care, and reproductive disorders and how to handle them and carry out pregnancy maintenance, normal birth management, perinatal care and reporting and preparation for handling reproductive disorders.


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Name  : Dr. drh. Husnurrizal, M.Si

E-mail  :

Addres  : Jl. Tgk. Hasan Krueng Kalee No.4, Kopelma Darussalam, Kec. Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23111

Building : E