Bachelor Veterinary Medicine



The preparation of the curriculum for the Veterinary Education Study Program, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Syiah Kuala University in 2021-2025 refers to the 2020 Syiah Kuala University Curriculum Preparation Guidebook, with reference to the 2020 Higher Education Curriculum Preparation Book in the Industrial Era 4.0 to Support Independent LearningIndependent Campus in 2020, which was published by the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, Kemenristekdikti in 2020.

The implementation of the curriculum based onthe ASIIN criteria is outcome-based, where obe is an approach that emphasizes the sustainability of the learning process in an innovative, interactive, and effective manner. Obe will affect the entire educational process from curriculum design, formulation of learning objectives and outcomes, educational strategies, design of learning methods, assessment procedures, and the educational environment/ecosystem. The Externals/OBE-Based Curriculum which is detailed is included in the CPL to provide opportunities for students to get an education that will produce a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine according to competence.

The Study Program of Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine (BVMP) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Syiah Kuala University is Accredited grade ‘UNGGUL’ (Excellent) by the Indonesian Accreditation Agency for Higher Education in Health (LAM-PTKES) in 2021 with Decree No. SK LAM-PTKes No.0356/LAM-PTKES/Akr/Prof/V/2021 for Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine. Therefore, it is highly expected that the graduates will be internationally recognized in order to gain opportunities to compete on a global level.

“The Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine Study Program’s vision is to become a study program that excels in implementing the three pillars of higher education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi) in veterinary science based on technology innovation to produce competitive human resources internationally by 2030.”

  1. Organizing higher education and quality services in veterinary medical education that is recognized nationally and internationally;
  2. Conducting innovative and applicable research and supporting the development of science in veterinary technology;
  3. Perform community service based on research results application in veterinary technology.
  4. Implementing the three pillars of higher education at the international level in veterinary technology in a sustainable manner.

a. Professional

A veterinarian is expected to be able to provide veterinary services and interact professionally with individuals and the community. The veterinarian must demonstrate the quality of continuous animal service, establish good cooperation with all parties involved in the community, including other fellow veterinarians. A veterinarian is expected to have professional veterinary abilities in various animal health services both public and private.

b. Leader

A veterinarian is expected to be able to be a leader in various fields and situations (for example in a team), have leadership qualities that include the ability to empathize, communicate, make decisions, manage effectively, and be a leader in a limited time for animals and community welfare

c. Manager

A veterinarian is expected to be able to manage all veterinary medicine resources (human, physical, and financial resources) and information; work with the team as a supervisor and as a manager/leader in the veterinary services team. A veterinarian is obliged to have a high responsibility in disseminating information about veterinary services and related products.

d. Entrepreneur

A veterinarian is expected to be able to create his own business. A veterinarian must have the capacity

e. Researcher

A veterinarian is expected to have the competence and commitment to conduct research and take strategic decisions with full responsibility, in all aspects relevant to veterinary issues.

f. Life-long-learner

Aveterinarian is expected to have the will, passion, concept, principles and commitment as a veterinarian, to continue to learn and improve his knowledge through his professional career

Pre Semester 2022/2023 (download here)